Share Your Thoughts!

Please use the form at the left to communicate any preferences you have for the student that your family would like to host. We will do our best to accommodate all requests and may contact you for clarification prior to selecting a student for your consideration.

Join Our Mission!

ERDT/SHARE! has been successfully involved in providing positive cross-cultural experiences since 1974. We strongly believe that cross-cultural exchange is fundamental to creating understanding and tolerance in a world that grows smaller every day. Our programs are designed as cultural experiences that develop understanding and knowledge though positive personal experiences. Many of the ERDT/SHARE! senior staff members have lived, worked or studied overseas, and they bring firsthand cross-cultural experience to the organization. We invite you to join in our mission, and contact SHARE! today to start your adventure of a lifetime!

Contact Us

SHARE! Southwest
8609 Glencrest Lane
Dallas, TX 75209

Ph: 214-366-4678